Ukrainian single woman Kristina from Mariupol
Confirmed profile


id: 40650
age: 36
This life is sad when you have noone to share emotions with!

Kristina's Video

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I am an artist. This is my calling and work at the same time. I try to express my feelings and thoughts on the canvas. Music is everywhere and always accompanies me. I love different musical genres - from modern to classical. Jogging and swimming help me stay in great shape. I love sports and lead an active lifestyle.


I am a loving and caring lady with an open mind and a big heart. I cherish true relationships, if it is friendship, family relations, or love, I give all of myself. I`m a very hard-working person. An active lifestyle helps me breathe deeply. But still my life cannot be complete without a loved one. That’s why I’m here, at the very site.

Kristina is searching for:

I dream to meet a man who is not afraid of looking into my inner world. I`m looking for a person who is honest, positive, family-oriented, who really strives to build serious relationships. It would be great if he had a sense of humor, liked sports and spending time outdoors. If he`s ready to love and be loved, that is all I need!

Horoscope of Kristina from Mariupol

Kristina was born under the sign of Aries </b>
<br /><br />
March 21st is when the new zodiac year begins. The first sign of the zodiac is Aries,
which signifies new beginnings. Aries women are leaders who like to take the initiative.
They are pioneers in action and thought. They love freedom and are always open to new
adventures. They welcome a challenge and will not be diverted from their goals.
<br /><br />
Aries females are very receptive and are ruled by the elements of earth and fire. They
are very well matched to males from the zodiac signs of Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces,
Taurus, Scorpio and Virgo.
<br /><br />
Aries women embrace life and are totally uninhibited. Kristina is self-motivated and
enjoys being surrounded by friends. She takes pleasure in knowing cultured and intelligent
people. Kristina as an Aires wife will be a loyal and dedicated partner to a man who is
ambitious, has a brilliant mind and is full of vigorous energy.
<br /><br />
An Aries woman is attracted to men who are refined, well mannered, highly educated and
intelligent. She is often athletic and enjoys sports. She excels in entertaining and
will go to any lengths to help her partner climb the corporate ladder, while maintaining
her own successful career.
<br /><br />
Aries women are fabulous writers and excellent designers. Kristina’s positive traits include
leadership skills, trust and responsibility. If you have an Aries woman as a partner, you
need not worry about her loyalty. She will give love and support in all instances.
Kristina was born under the sign of Aries

March 21st is when the new zodiac year begins. The first sign of the zodiac is Aries, which signifies new beginnings. Aries women are leaders who like to take the initiative. They are pioneers in action and thought. They love freedom and are always open to new adventures. They welcome a challenge and will not be diverted from their goals.

Aries females are very receptive and are ruled by the elements of earth and fire. They are very well matched to males from the zodiac signs of Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Scorpio and Virgo.

Aries women embrace life and are totally uninhibited. Kristina is self-motivated and enjoys being surrounded by friends. She takes pleasure in knowing cultured and intelligent people. Kristina as an Aires wife will be a loyal and dedicated partner to a man who is ambitious, has a brilliant mind and is full of vigorous energy.

An Aries woman is attracted to men who are refined, well mannered, highly educated and intelligent. She is often athletic and enjoys sports. She excels in entertaining and will go to any lengths to help her partner climb the corporate ladder, while maintaining her own successful career.

Aries women are fabulous writers and excellent designers. Kristina’s positive traits include leadership skills, trust and responsibility. If you have an Aries woman as a partner, you need not worry about her loyalty. She will give love and support in all instances.

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