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What is 2-way Live Video Chat?

The age of technology never ceases to amaze. Where once you could only look at a photo and read a few lines of text now you can get to know the lady you are chatting to with Live Video Chat – the evolution of dating chat online allows you to get to know your chosen lady a lot better.

Why use Live Video Chat?

You can look at a picture, you can imagine if this is what your chosen lady always looks like, you can imagine her smile, her sparkly eyes, what she laughs like and so much more. Well imagine no longer! Now you can chat live to her with Live Video Chat. Imagine being able to talk to her and see how she smiles, her mannerisms and the sound her voice? Live Video Chat brings you so much closer together so that it will almost feel like you are in the room with her and your online messaging becomes an online dating chat.

How do I start a Live Video Chat?

When you are online messaging with your lady you should be able to see a camera icon in the top left hand corner of her profile picture. If she is available and has her web camera connected you will be able to see this symbol webcam. If this icon is available it means she is online and available to chat. All you need to do is simply start a message stream with the recipient and the live video will start automatically. You will be able to see your chosen lady almost as if it were in person.

Is it two way video chat?

No, even if your web camera is switched on she can’t see you. You will only be able to see her. So you don’t have to worry about how you look, what your hair is like and what you are wearing. Simply relax and chat and get to know your lady better. 

When doesn’t it work?

You can only use live video chat when the camera icon appears in the top left hand corner of the screen. If the lady you wish to chat with does not have her web camera switched on and is not available for Live Video Chat then the camera icon will not be available and you will not be able to start the live chat. You can however continue to chat by messaging. You also don’t have to stay in live video chat mode ad. This mode costs 4 credits per 1 minute of online video chat so when you want to switch back to normal messaging you can. You click the “Stop Live Video” button to return to normal chat mode. Once you are ready you click to switch back and the live video will start again automatically. Wouldn’t it be great if all online dating sites offered this functionality?

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