European single Nataliya from Niš personal profile

Member's ID47581
Zodiac signPisces
Birthday13 Mar 1999
Height5' 7'' (1.70m)
Weight119 Lbs (54 kg)
Hair colorBlack
Eye colorBlack
Marital statusSingle
English spokenfluent
Plans childrenYes


I`m really interested in photography. I like to find nice landscapes and take beautiful pictures. Also, I like cooking, aòâ help my mom to cook. I have a dream to cook for my future husband as tasty as my mom cooks for my father. I am visiting the gym, I prefer to stay in good shape, I like different activities and a lot of fun, I cannot stay in the room and sit still for even 1 hour, I need to be active.

My personality

I am a romantic and passionate woman who wants to find true love. I am very loyal, honest, sincere, understanding and funny. I like to smile and enjoy every moment of my life. But I`m not so perfect. I`m still alone, and I want to fix it. It seems to me that online dating is a great way to meet a friend or a man of your dreams, that`s why I`ve come here. I hope I will succeed. :)) I love to behave like a child sometimes and do what I want. I like to feel free with my man. My motto: Always do what you`re afraid to do!

I'm looking for

I like older men and think that they can understand women better. I like men with life experience, who know what they want and need. I wish him to be as romantic as I am. But my lover should be my best friend, it is very important to me. I believe that this is the key to the success of this family. Yes, I am a woman looking for my man. I believe I will find you here.

Horoscope of Nataliya from Niš

Nataliya is Pisces (February 20th – March 20th)<br><br>
	The Piscean woman is delicate and ethereal. From the first time you meet her, you sense that 
	there is something magical about her and you’re right. Nataliya is tremendously empathic, almost
	 to the point of seeming psychic, and she will know what you want and need before you are even 
	 sure yourself.  
	Her spirituality is very important to her. What she believes, she believes with ever fiber of 
	her being, and it doesn’t matter if she can’t see or touch it. She knows it’s there. Nataliya 
	will make decisions based on nothing more than her instinct, and more often than not, they 
	will be the right decisions. Follow her hunches and you will never be disappointed.
	The Piscean woman forms attachments easily, and really enjoys being around members of the 
	opposite sex, but that is no cause for concern. One of the things she believes in is true 
	love, and once she has chosen you, she will not stray. Every moment with her is an ecstasy, her 
	every movement an unintentional seduction. She will be desired by many, but completely devoted 
	to you. Contact Nataliya from Niš using services.)
Nataliya is Pisces (February 20th – March 20th)

The Piscean woman is delicate and ethereal. From the first time you meet her, you sense that there is something magical about her and you’re right. Nataliya is tremendously empathic, almost to the point of seeming psychic, and she will know what you want and need before you are even sure yourself.

Her spirituality is very important to her. What she believes, she believes with ever fiber of her being, and it doesn’t matter if she can’t see or touch it. She knows it’s there. Nataliya will make decisions based on nothing more than her instinct, and more often than not, they will be the right decisions. Follow her hunches and you will never be disappointed.

The Piscean woman forms attachments easily, and really enjoys being around members of the opposite sex, but that is no cause for concern. One of the things she believes in is true love, and once she has chosen you, she will not stray. Every moment with her is an ecstasy, her every movement an unintentional seduction. She will be desired by many, but completely devoted to you. Contact Nataliya from Niš using services.)
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