Live Video Chat Enhancement
We constantly strive to improve our service for the benefit of our members and with this in mind we are pleased to announce the latest enhancements to our Live Video Chat service.
We have significantly improved the service due to problems some members were experiencing with the service such as not being able to live video chat with the ladies. The main reason for this was a technical limitation, namely Live Video Chat was not available for those who did not have the relevant Flash Player installed on their desktop or other platforms such as mobiles and tablets.
The improvements we have made now means that the Live Video Chat Service is available without the requirement of a Flash player. This means that even those who do not have the Flash Player, you are now able to see the feelings and emotions of the ladies’ eyes, in real time!
Starting in April 11 Live Video Chat is supported in the following browsers for desktops:
- Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 8/10;
- Edge 13 and higher;
- Firefox 43 and higher;
- Chrome 45 and higher.
If you use any other device, you will be able to use Live Video Chat with the following browsers:
- Safari for Mac 6 and higher;
- Opera 35 and higher;
- Safari for iOS 6 and higher;
- Android browser 4.4.4 and higher;
- Chrome for Android 30 and higher;
- Opera for Android 35 and higher.
We have dramatically improved your communication possibilities!
We sincerely hope that it will let you use the website to its fullest potential! Don’t hesitate to try the new enhanced live video chat and look at your lady with your own eyes in real time!
All you need to do to start live video chatting is to look at the online ladies page, find any lady with

Best regards, Team