If you’re currently dating a Ukrainian lady, then you should be well aware of the upcoming celebration of Victory Day. Moreover, you should be thinking about how to make it memorable for her. Victory Day is a big event in Ukraine and holds a special place in the hearts of the population. Your Ukrainian lady…
When you meet the Ukrainian lady of your dreams, you will want to do all you can to make things go smoothly. Making her laugh is a great start. Most women love a man who can make them laugh and lift their mood. One method you may wish to explore for making your Ukrainian lady…
Dating online is brilliant and has changed the way many people find love and build relationships. But how do you celebrate together when you are seeing each other only through a dating website? With Easter just around the corner, attention for many people will turn toward how to celebrate this joyous holiday. If you’re dating…
Ukraine is a country littered with beautiful theatres which are steeped in history and tradition. Treating your Ukrainian wife to a night at one of these iconic venues is sure to be a special event. So, if the theatre scene is new to you, it’s well worth knowing which of Ukraine’s theatres are most impressive…
It’s always fascinating when people from different backgrounds are compared, but what about when we think about the differences between American and Russian wives? Firstly, it’s important to say that finding the right lady for you is always the top priority, wherever she is from. However, if you find Russian women attractive and are perhaps…
Ukrainian girls dream about having the perfect wedding which follows the cultures and traditions that they have grown up to know and believe in. Therefore, if you’re dating Ukrainian girls or perhaps have already found that somebody special, it’s worth familiarising yourself with what a wedding would look like in Ukraine. Taking the time to…
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, you might want to start getting ready to surprise your Russian bride. Because, as it happens with most holidays, Russian women care a lot about this event. If this is your first Valentine’s together, nailing it and making the day perfect for your beloved one is essential. Here…
Many men around the world adore Ukrainian girls thanks to their beautiful good looks and insatiable charm, but what you may not know is that the girls dream of marrying foreign guys. For years men have lusted over Ukrainian girls. Elegant and intelligent, it was merely a dream for many men who would simply never…
Dating a Russian lady means you’ll have to learn a thing or two about her Slavic traditions. The first thing to know is that in Russia, the Orthodox Church follows the Julian calendar. What this means is that some of the Christian holidays, such as Christmas and New Year, to name just a few, are…
In the past years, online dating has made international romance easy. If you’re now dating a Russian lady, perhaps the Christmas season is when most cultural differences start to kick in. That’s because Christmas is celebrated on December 25 in most Christian countries, but not in Eastern Europe. As a traditionally Orthodox country, Russia still…